A country of OpenMinded people
This country is special. The people have that little something extra in them. Sometimes it seems that I'm in Germany. Sometimes it feels like I'm in a developing country. But most often it feels like I'm just in another Scandinavian country. Still, with naked breasts in the daily newspapers and a legal drinking age of 16, Denmark is quite an exciting country to experience, regardless which part you're going to explore.
A fun contrast is that you just might drive around Denmark in a week and see absolutely everything if you'd want to. There are almost as many inhabitants in Denmark as there are in Finland with the exception that Denmark is about 43 000 square kilometres and Finland is 338 000 square kilometres.
Can the lower drinking age and the open minded newspaper policies regarding the visual material have something to do with Denmark being a more attractive place to live in? Nevertheless, the breakfasts in this country ...incredible.
Fresh bread with thick slices of cheese and all sorts of jellies ...mmhm, I wish I was starving every morning in order to fill myself up with extraordinary deliciousness straight from a Victoria's Secret photoshoot (for you who didn't understand, I was referring to Heaven in a typical manly atheistic manner).
There's a lot to say about this country and of its people, but one thing is sure. They like beer. The 4th of November is the official premiere of the Christmas beer; Tuborg Julebryg, and believe me when I say that Denmark is pretty much like a scene from 28 days later on the 5th.
Next time I'll be sure to pack my ...sun lotion when I get here in the summer time. I'm pretty sure I don't have to read the newspaper every morning for me to see anything out from the ordinary in July. And I can buy my wine from the supermarket. And head out to the beach. With a lot of sun lotion. Only. In-joying!