22 July 2011

California trippin!

Hi. I'm in California. San Diego. Less than a week ago I was in Finland. So HA! Seriously though, got my ticket 6 days before take off, not really sure what was going on. But... As they say, things get sorted out in the end and so did this one.

My mind blowing itinerary:
Helsinki - Stockholm (ferry, had a few coffees and got myself a cabin to sleep in)
Stockholm - Transformers 3 (the movies)
Stockholm - London (mind blowing flight with a free sandwich)
London - New York (tried to make friends with random swedes at the airport, but they turned out to be boring, self-centered typical swedish girls. sat next to a big new yorker on the plane and it took forever. free meals and as much alcohol you could ask for without being ashamed of yourself. I saw the movie Paul. And How I met your mother. And read a book.)
JFK (terminal 7, how to get to terminal 8? By bus. F*cking AC inside, better outside. Slept outside. I slept outside on a park bench in the middle of the night outside of JFK in New York! Checked that off my bucket. Still have my intestins left. And my money. And my underwear.)
New York - San Diego (No free food, only diet coke. What? Come on American Airlines! YOU SUCK! It's a 5 or whatever hour flight and a sandwich costs 10 dollars? Moreover a girl with an incredibly piercing voice sitting behind me. Discovered the pearl 15 minutes after I fell asleep. And woke up. And couldn't sleep anymore.)
San Diego (Got my bag, heard nerds talking about getting a cab and asked if I can share. I could. For free. I love ComicCon!)

Now I'm couch surfing through California, so feel free to host a random Finnish guy with a weird sense of humor and a crazy lust of being himself, instead of a fake Hollywood gold digger. In-joy!


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