02 June 2011

FX Camera - the last few days

I got myself a second hand HTC Desire and I love it. See, now I've got a camera in my pocket whenever I see a misplaced leg or a car upside down on the street. Unfortunately you have to wait for that sort of explicit pictures, but here's a bit of my few days. I feel like sharing. Captions at the bottom. In-joy!

1. Thor is awesome
2. Last days of television in Töölö
3. Making of Ride with Hannu!
4. Eating as much Asian food as we can at Dynasty in Helsinki
5. Last cleaning of the Töölö apartment, moved out and couch surfing at the moment
6. A happy Dick and his (and only his?) bachelor thesis
7. Wednesday Afterwork @ Cuba every Wednesday
8. A set up with Fille
9. The line to Cuba this Wednesday - the whole night
10. Live band in Rymy-Eetu
11. In-joying the sun in the park with the boys