03 May 2011

Pasta superbe avec bacon!

No bikes this time. It's going to be all about food! Because this blog is about a bit of this and that I will share with you a delicious recipe which costs about 5€ to make.

Let's call this dish Pasta superbe avec bacon - Don't let the looks distract your appetite, it's delicious!

If you like to cook then click your way further to the easy recipe. If you can't cook, but know how to read, it's made incredibly easy even for beginners.
About 4 portions. If you're not a big eater; 6 portions.

The pasta:
A handful of pasta (spaghetti, preferably barilla no. 5)
Salt and olive oil

The magnificent how to:
Cook up half a pot of water with salt.
Throw in the pasta.
Cook for 5 minutes for it to be al dente.
Rinse the pasta from water but leave some of that salty deliciousness and add 2 table spoons of olive oil.
Let it rest.

The tomato sauce:
2 table spoons of butter
5 tomatoes
5 garlic cloves
2dl of cream OR 150g/200g of creme fraiche
pepper and salt
(if you like it spicy, 5 jalapeno slices)

The fantastic how-to:
Start by cooking up the butter.
Slice and Dice the tomatoes and put them in the pot.
Slice and Dice the garlic cloves, leave them a bit bigger than usual and put them in as well.
Add salt and pepper.
Cook on medium power until the tomatoes starts to melt.
Throw in the cream or creme fraiche.
Add the jalapenos.
Let it cook on low power.

The bacon:
2 packets of bacon (about 300g)
1 red onion
2 big mushrooms (champignon en francais)

The incredible how-to:
Butter up the frying pan.
Slice and Dice the onion and throw it in the fizzing butter.
Slice and Dice the mushrooms and add them as well.
Wait until the mushrooms gets darker.
Slice the bacon and throw it in.
Fry until the bacon is done (crispy or soft, as you like)

The pasta + The tomato sauce + The bacon:
When the bacon is ready, add the tomato sauce into the bacon and mix it up (in the frying pan).
Cook on medium power for a while.
Finally, add the pasta onto the tomato-bacon sauce that you've just magically mixed up.
Mix the pasta in there.
Let it cook for a few minutes and take it off.
Let cool for 10 minutes.

IN-JOY Pasta Superbe avec Bacon!



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