07 December 2010

The history of the glorious Peanut Butter Apple

The history behind it and why apples are only to be eaten with peanut butter as told by an anonymous source:
"It was Shakespeare's idea:
and Shakespeare stole it from the bible because Moses ate apples while he gave his speech about the ten commandments
and  then GHANDI came and informed Moses that it was inappropriate to eat peanutbutterless apples while giving speeches
and then Moses rewrote the speech and gave his rough drafts to Winston Churchill who accidentally lost them
and then they were rediscovered and made into a TV show called 'pathology for theology'"
 It does make sense on some level, doesn't it? Not really. Is this snack considered healthy then? According to Yahoo answers, it is! So, go make some. In-joy!



At 7/12/10 23:53 , Blogger Julia said...

det ser nog gott ut!


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