21 December 2010

-19C° loving it

What do you usually do when your thermometer is kneeling at negative 19 degrees Celsius? I know very well that some of you dear Spanish can't even imagine. This refreshing arctic winter is somewhat dramatic this year (again).

Flights are canceled all over Europe, the trains doesn't move, not because there are cows on the tracks, but there's simply too much snow everywhere and buses come every 45min instead of 10min, because of the traffic jams and crashes along the roads.

We'll see if I get home on Thursday. I can only hope that Santa will fly the airplane I'm boarding through the predicted snow storm. Otherwise, I'll be spending Christmas on Arlanda airport and how brutally brilliant wouldn't that be?

We had some fun and games so you'll get an idea of the amount of snow we've got in Täby.  In-joy!


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